Oct 27, 2017


I don’t know why my friends are like this. They all seem to have absolutely impeccable timing. FOR EXAMPLE, this past Tuesday was moving day for my best friend. That WOULD have been fine, but I don’t know if you remember what the weather was like this past Tuesday. Let me jog your memory. In the immortal words of Olly Williams from Family Guy, IT WAS RAINING SIDEWAYS. Friends, it was so bad that we briefly lost power in Albany. Naturally, I had already agreed to help her move. So we moved her into her apartment, wearing trash bags as raincoats and armed with but one Nissan Rogue, in what can only be described as a monsoon. Good times had by all.


To start with, I wasn’t super optimistic about our situation. Don’t get me wrong, the Nissan Rogue is an AWESOME car, it’s got all kinds of cool technology, heated seats and plenty of room for my long legs. But…she had a LOT of boxes and I just looked at that back seat and couldn’t see how it would be possible to fit it all. As it turns out the Nissan Rogue has split-folding 2nd-row seating which gave us a lot more space to fit everything. And I mean everything. There was enough room for her 8-foot long mirror in there. That’s NUTS. This moving adventure very quickly turned into high stakes Tetris and more and more of her things became waterlogged as we brought them out to the car. Fortunately, we got everything into the car and as we went back to the house to finish locking everything up, she was able to start the car remotely! (Perks of going with the SV trim level!)


The car was packed to the ABSOLUTE brim and seeing out the back of the car was but a distant dream. The rain had only gotten more intense so we were struggling to see out the front of the Rogue, much less see out the back or in our blind spots. Fortunately for Sarah, the VS also included Blind spot warning and auto headlights so we were able to get to the new house safely. Once there we unpacked as quickly as was humanly possible. I was amazed that we were actually able to do it, but we did. I’m not gonna lie, that Nissan Rogue really came in clutch when we needed it.


As soon as we brought in the last box, as our luck would dictate, the rain stopped and the sun came out…almost mocking us. We should have known that the second we didn’t need to do anything, THAT is when the sun would decide to come out. Figures. Whatever, despite the weather, this moving experience was actually mostly sunshine and rainbows…metaphorically of course, but you know what I mean. If you’re looking for a new vehicle that can really get the job done, stop by Destination Nissan and check out the 2017 Nissan Rogue. I really think you’ll be impressed!