Aug 30, 2023

As you prepare to embark on your journey to work or meet up with friends, you notice a substance leaking from your car. Initial panic sets in, as you contemplate the possibility of being late or requiring immediate vehicle servicing. Take a breath, as the situation might not always be as dire as it seems. Utilize Destination Nissan’s color guide to identify the leaking fluid from your vehicle, streamlining the process of diagnosing the problem. And should you find that the leak is indicative of a more serious issue, take advantage of the convenience to promptly schedule a service appointment at Destination Nissan’s Service Center today.

Destination Nissan’s Color Guide To Fluid Leaks


  • This is usually water from the air conditioning building up excess condensation and resulting in puddles of water underneath your vehicle. Unless this problem persists in great quantities, you’ve got nothing to worry about!

Yellow, Green, or Pink:

  • Due to their bright colors, these leaks are usually easy to spot. If your vehicle is an older model and there are only a few spots here and there it’s not something to worry about. But, if there are larger puddles of this fluid or your vehicle is newer, this coolant shouldn’t be dripping any excess liquids so it might be a good idea to bring it in to a professional.


  • If there is orange/reddish-brown fluid leaking from the center of your vehicle, it could be transmission fluid. However, rust from your radiator mixing with an antifreeze leak can appear orange-ish as well, but can leak from multiple spots so placement is a key determining factor with this one.


  • Power steering fluid appears red in color with a thin texture and will leak from under the front part of your car. If this is the case, there is an issue with the power steering pump and you should seek out a service professional.

Light yellow to dark brown:

  • Brake fluid starts out as a clear/yellow color and as it ages it becomes dark brown, similar to motor oil. Distinguish between the two by dipping your finger in it. If the fluid feels slippery, it’s likely brake fluid. If this is the case, your vehicle is not safe to drive and you’re going to want to have it towed it in for repair as soon as possible. 

LIght brown to black: 

  • If the fluid leaking from your vehicle is a brownish/black color with an iridescent hue, chances are its motor oil. This can leak from various spots of your vehicle and won’t stop your vehicle dead, but it means that there is an ongoing issue and you should bring your vehicle in for a professional examination