Apr 20, 2023

We all know the dangers of driving drunk or distracted but do you know the third big D in unsafe driving? It’s Drowsy. Drowsy driving can have serious physical and mental effects on your driving. When you’re tired, your reaction times slow down, your vision can become blurry, and you may have trouble focusing. Here are some of the physical and mental effects of drowsy driving:

  • Reduced reaction times. When you’re tired, it takes longer for your brain to process information, which can lead to slower reaction times.
  • Blurred vision. When you’re tired, your eyes can become dry and strained, which can cause blurry vision.
  • Decreased focus. When you’re tired, it’s harder to concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
  • Impaired judgment. When you’re tired, your ability to make good decisions can be impaired.
  • Microsleep. Microsleep is when your brain falls asleep for a few seconds at a time, even when your eyes are open. This can be extremely dangerous when driving.

To prevent the physical and mental effects of drowsy driving, make sure you get plenty of rest before you drive. If you start to feel tired on the road, pull over and take a short nap. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.