Jul 20, 2023

There’s nothing like packing it all in and hitting the road to finally get some peace and relaxation from your crazy life. But if you’re planning on traveling with a little one or maybe even two, it might not be as peaceful as you’re expecting. Little ones can get bored very quickly and when that happens we can find ourselves stuck on the road with screaming and crying children…how about no. So in order to avoid this situation from happening, you’re going to have to do some planning ahead. Don’t stress, we’ve done the hard work for you this week! This week we are telling you about road trip travel games to keep everyone entertained and happy until you reach your destination! Now, we know that everyone’s road trip might not be the same amount of time, so depending on how long you’ll be on the road, it might be a good idea to plan out exactly when you’ll be playing each. This way you won’t run through all of you games right away and be left trying to buy time. We also suggest bringing filler activities to break up the games. Bring books, coloring, learning games, electronics, movies, etc. We also suggest bringing so sort of prize for the winner of each game, this way you can keep them focused on the game, instead of becoming distracted. So take a look at our fun games below! Feel free to add your own favorites and let us know if the kids loved them! Safe travels!

I Spy: This is a car ride classic! It will keep the kids guessing and entertain for a good amount of time, plus it so much for them to feel like they have fooled you so don’t guess correct too quickly!

Road Trip Bingo: This fun game combines bingo with a scavenger hunt. Give each child a flat surface, like a clipboard or a notebook, and have them place it in their lap. each player gets a free printable bingo card and a ziplock bag with 16 pennies. When a player spies an item on his card, he covers the picture with a penny. Just like in regular bingo, the first player to cover all the squares in a straight line wins.

License Plate Game: Make sure everyone has a piece of paper or come prepared and print out maps. Then write down or cross out each state you see, once someone has crossed out all 50 (or whoever has the most) they win!

20 Questions. This easy-peasy game is great for young kids, thanks to its straightforward rules. Player One thinks of a person, place or thing. Everyone else takes turns asking questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. After each answer, the questioner gets one guess. Play continues until a player guesses correctly.

I’m Going on a Picnic. This alphabet-based memory game is great for kids 5 and up. You don’t need a game board or any materials. The game can be played with as few as two players, but it’s more fun when the whole family joins in. The first player says “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing…” followed by something that begins with A, such as apples. The second player repeats what the first person said, but adds something that begins with B. And so on. If someone forgets an item, she is out. To be fair, feel free to be lenient and give hints to younger players. The last player to be able to recite all the items on the list wins.