Sep 24, 2018

Fall is a beautiful season, and New York has some of the most beautiful foliage in the northeast. The changing weather and frequent rainy days can be hard on your car, however, so it’s important to prep your Nissan before the cooler weather hits. Here are two ways you can prep your vehicle for the change in seasons.

Repair Paint

Damage to your car’s paint can pose major issues during the fall. Rain can work its way into any scratches or gouges, leading to rust and even more damage. Paint is vital for keeping the metal of your vehicle from the elements so getting any paint issues fixed before the fall rain sets in.

A good coat of wax can also go a long way toward protecting your Nissan. The barrier between the paint and the external elements can prevent rain and other conditions, such as salt or oil, from eating away at the paint.

Check Tires

Slick streets can be dangerous, especially when combined with sleet or other icy conditions. Your tires need to be in tip-top shape to deal with this change in weather and keep you safe on the road. The treads should be able to grip the road effectively, reducing the chance of slipping or sliding.

You can check the status of your tires’ treads by using the penny trick: insert a penny into your treads with the head facing up. If you can see the whole head, your treads are too low and you need to replace your tires.

These two steps are a great place to start when prepping your Nissan for the fall.

Image via Flickr by AnandKhatri